In fact, all of her works tend to feature everyday items in bright close-ups, like this irresistible, characterful, yummy gummy bear. Her design experience shines through in the clear visual language of her ‘Bear Necessity’ artwork.
Amanda Coelho | Alida Anderson Art ProjectsĪmanda Coelho is a graphic designer by trade, but since 2018, she has turned her attention towards painting. Combining her everyday observations with more formal materials and arts training, she has worked to develop a contemporary style with traditional mediums – a balance that is difficult to achieve! Defining her practice as both fine art and craftwork, the multitudes of layers and influences only add to her work’s success.
Marin developed her practice during her time in long term care homes, where she observed residents working in embroidery. I love the toy houses and tiny animal depicted on the dinner plate, giving the work a playful, innocent appeal. Michelle Marin’s embroidered still life is intimate and warm. Holly Miller, ‘Tingle’, 2022, acrylic and thread on canvas, 24 x 24in, $3,000, C Thomas Projects by IdeelArt Michelle Marin | Spence Gallery